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About Us

  • Our Story.

    Waders was started because we wanted to bring baths more to the forefront as a recovery practice for anyone that is struggling with physical or mental pain.

    Whether you are an elite athlete, occasional runner, or dealing with aches and pains of everyday life - baths are a fantastic resource to help you heal.

    From these thoughts, we set out to create natural, easy to use products that people can easily incorporate into their life.

    We want to celebrate the history, ritual, and art of a good bath. The practice of slowing down, so you can go fast in other ways.

    We can't wait to share this story/journey with you and hope you will join us for a good recovery bath.

  • Our Mission.

    Our mission is to create natural, easy to use bath products that help people recover physically and mentally. We believe this 20-minute practice can help you find some balance in this chaotic world.

  • How is Waders different?

    We want people to feel their best and to make that happen we have carefully sourced the best ingredients for our products, so your bathtub feels like a spa getaway.

    Between the pleasant, calming scents, the mineral rich salt mixtures, or our 50% less plastic packaging - we are taking all the steps to make sure our products are consciously made for the best experience.

  • Who we created Waders for.

    We created Waders for everyone with a body or mind that could use a little vacation.

    Whether you are a high-level athlete dealing with the physical brunt of training or the mental stress of performing at the highest level.

    Or if you are a parent working a 9-5, with a long commute back to a house full of kids that want to be hoisted.

    Waders is for you.

  • Why baths.

    "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. " - Isek Dinesen

    "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, salt baths, or the sea. " - Isek Dinesen (Waders Edit)

    The benefits or taking a bath are well documented. They can help soothe aches/pains, they can help reduce stress, they help you sleep better, and they can help exfoliate your skin.

    We are true believers in the power of water and we believe the simple act of kicking your feet up for 20 minutes in a warm bath is the sneaky vacation a lot of people need in the world today.